What QuickBooks Online (QBO) report should I upload? Where do I find it?

Learn how to customize a report in Intuit QuickBooks Online (QBO) to upload transaction data to LumaTax.
Written by LumaTax
Updated 2 years ago

If your clients generate their sales transactions out of QuickBooks Online, you can export transaction history from QuickBooks via excel for upload into LumaTax. 

Note: If clients use other source systems for transactions (such as Amazon, Shopify) and then load those to QuickBooks, it's best to use reports from the original source systems for the highest level of data accuracy. 

In QuickBooks Online: 

  1. Open your client's company and navigate to Reports on the left navigation panel.
  2. Search for and open the Invoice List report. 
  3. Click the Customize button in the upper right corner. 
  4. Under General, set the date range to All Dates or a Custom Range. We recommend going back to 01/01/2017. For the end date, use the most recently closed month or quarter. Click Run Report
  5. Next, expand the section for Rows and Columns and click Change Columns. Add, remove and reorder columns. You will need to have the following columns selected: 
    Transaction Type
    Shipping Address
    Taxable Amount
    Tax Amount
  6. Expand the Filter section and check the box for Transaction Type and select Invoice, Sales Receipts, Credit Memos.  
  7. Click Run Report.
  8. Review the report and, if satisfied, you may want to save the custom report for future use by clicking the Save Customization button in the upper right, naming the report, and clicking save. 
  9. Export the report to excel by clicking the data Export icon in the upper right of the body of the report (looks like a paper with an arrow), and choosing Export to Excel. 

Note: If the report is too large, you may need to shorten your date range and export in batches. 

In Excel: 

  1. Open the Excel worksheet. Remove QuickBooks report headers and extra lines until the report headers are occupying row 1. 
  2. Save the file as CSV UFT-8 (comma delimited) ((*.csv)) file.

In LumaTax: 

  1. Navigate to the Client Dashboard for this client by selecting them from the drop down in the upper left. 
  2. Go to the card for Data and click the Upload Data button.  Note: You will not be able to upload the data until the client's profile is completed. 
  3. Click Continue. Locate and select the file on your computer. 
  4. Select "Map File Manually." After you map once, you'll be able to save this mapping for future use. 
  5. Map the appropriate fields from the QBO source file to the required fields in LumaTax. 
    "Num" to Invoice ID
    "Date" to Invoice Date
    "Amount" to Total Invoice Amount
    "Tax Amount" to Total Tax Collected 
    "Taxable Amount" to Total Taxable Sales
    & "Shipping Address" to Ship-to-Address

    Additional fields can be toggled to "No." Click Continue.
  6. Review the data mapping and click Continue to save. 
  7. If you anticipate uploading QuickBooks Online files in the future, you can name and save the mapping for future use. 
  8. Review the valid and invalid rows and download your validation report. 
  9. When ready, upload additional files or return to the Client Dashboard to run a Nexus Analysis Report. 
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