How do I change my LumaTax password?

Forgot your LumaTax password? Here are the steps to reset.
Written by Valerie
Updated 3 years ago

If you've forgotten your password to LumaTax, you can easily reset it. Follow the steps below. 

  1. Navigate to the LumaTax sign on page,
  2. Click the link Forgot Password?
  3. Enter your email address associated with LumaTax and click Send Reset Link.
  4. Check your email for a message with the subject line "Password Rest" from 
  5. Click the Change Password button. 
  6. Create a new password.

    Password must contain:

    At least 12 characters

    At least 3 of the following:

      Lower case letters (a-z)

      Upper case letters (A-Z)

      Numbers (0-9)

      Special characters (ex. !@#$%^&*)

  7. Click the Reset Password button. 

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