How to Import Data into LumaTax

This guide will walk you through importing data into LumaTax and mapping your fields. Following these steps, you can quickly and easily upload data into the software for nexus analysis or sales tax compliance prep. 
Written by LumaTax
Updated 1 year ago

Uploading historical transaction data to LumaTax is the first step of each workflow. LumaTax allows you to upload multiple files from disparate source systems to aggregate them into normalized working files.
This article will teach you the steps in LumaTax to upload any file. 

In LumaTax: 

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Before importing your data, it's crucial to ensure it's appropriately formatted. To learn more about Transaction file requirements, please see this article:

In short, your file should be:  

- In a CSV format. 

- Under 250 MB. 

- Formatted so that Row 1 contains the Column Headers

- Either an Invoice-Level or Line-Level file.  What's the difference? See: 

Step 2: Upload

Once your data is prepared, you can begin the import process. To access the import functionality in LumaTax, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Client Data section along the top right navigation panel. 
  2. Drag and Drop the file or click "Browse Your Computer for the File." 
  3. Select the file you want to import from your computer and click "Upload." 

Step 3: Configure

Here, you'll answer questions about your file to make the process quicker and smoother. 

  1. First, indicate your file type and the source system it came from. If unsure, select other. 
  2. If you have any previously saved mappings, or if we recognize the file as a standard type from Amazon or Shopify, you'll be presented with the option to automate your mapping. 
  3. Next, indicate what types of data your file contains, prompting LumaTax to ask questions relevant to your file and leave out the rest. By default, all options are checked. Click to de-select. 

Step 4: Map Fields

Next, you'll need to map the column headers and any unique values in your data to destination headers in LumaTax. 

Fields are divided into categories; you will only see categories relevant to your file. Go back to File Configuration if any are missing. 

  • Invoice Headers
  • Invoice Header Amounts
  • Line Details
  • Line Detail Amounts
  • Marketplace Facilitator
  • Taxability
  • Address Details
  • Customer Details 
  1. In each category, you'll see the destination header on the left and a drop-down to select your header on the right. Start typing any part of the name to narrow your choices. If you want to add more than one field to a destination, click "add additional."
  2. Required fields are organized into first section with an optional headers section below it. Required fields are marked with a star icon. 
  3. Some fields will have associated unique values to map in a new window. For these fields, drag and drop the unique value to its destination in LumaTax. 

Step 4: Preview 

Once you've mapped your data, you can review it before confirming the import. 

  1. Review the data in the "Preview" section to ensure it's correctly mapped. Your field names will show along the top, plugged into the destinations in LumaTax. View "Unique Value Mapping" by clicking the option on the upper right.  
  2. If you need to make any changes, go back to the "Map Fields" section.
  3. If everything looks good, click Save Mapping to continue.
  4. Optional: Save this mapping for future use. This option is recommended for any files you know you will import again. 

Step 5: Submit and Process

  1. View and download your Data Validation reports. Here, we summarize how many rows we uploaded, the date range, the number of unique transactions, total sales, and total tax collected. You will also see invalid data, such as missing values, incorrect formats, or any transactions to which we could not assign a jurisdiction. 
  2. Next, save your file by giving it a name, which can be the same or different from the name of the file you uploaded. This will help you identify this file in the future. 

Congratulations! You've successfully imported data into LumaTax! Repeat for each file you need to import before moving on to reporting or compliance. 

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